

Contact us

For any questions, suggestions or feedback about our app, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Please note: We are not affiliated to Transport for London in any way. We do not have access to any of their systems. If you are not using our app, then we cannot tell you whether you have been in the zone or whether you have, or need to pay your charge.

Our app works by sending your location to our system and cross referencing it with the London Congestion Zone. You can create reminders and be connected to Transport for London to pay your charge.




Main office: G.06 The Pill Box, 115 Coventry Road, London, E2 6GG

Registered office: 229 Rotherhithe Street, London, SE16 5XW


Alternatively, contact us by


AutoAlert Ltd. Registered in England and Wales under number 9666439. All rights reserved.